
More Scripted Study Control Examples

Please first look at the basic scripting example in the introduction section for the main study level control functions to use in the scripting interface. Here we fully demonstrate application of the available experiment types and another helpful function.

This helpful function determines the approximate total time the current study will take to complete.
def calculate_time(expt_list):
    start_time = time.time()
    run_time = []
    for expt in expt_list:
        if max(expt.power) > 0:
            laser_on = time.localtime(start_time + 60 * sum(run_time[:-1]))
            laser_off = time.localtime(start_time + 60 * sum(run_time))
            time_on = time.strftime('%b-%d at %I:%M%p', laser_on)
            time_off = time.strftime('%b-%d at %I:%M%p', laser_off)
            print('laser on from %s to %s' % (time_on, time_off))

    end_time = time.localtime(start_time + 60 * sum(run_time))
    end_time = time.strftime('%b-%d at %I:%M%p', end_time)
    print('experiment will end on %s' % (end_time))
prereduction, power and temperature sweeps
expt1 = Experiment(eqpt_list)
expt1.expt_type = 'temp_sweep'
expt1.temp = list(np.arange(300, 401, 10))
expt1.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
expt1.gas_comp = [[0.01, 1-0.06, 0.05]]
expt1.tot_flow = [50]
expt1.sample_name = sample_name
expt1.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'prereduction'))

expt2 = Experiment(eqpt_list)
expt2.expt_type = 'power_sweep'
expt2.temp = [300]
expt2.power = list(np.arange(0, 301, 50))
expt2.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
expt2.gas_comp = [[0.01, 1-0.06, 0.05]]
expt2.tot_flow = [50]
expt2.sample_name = sample_name
expt2.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'prereduction'))
A reduction can be run by defining a stability test. The time for the stability test is determines by the sample_set_size attribute and the sample_rate attribute of the GC_Connector used. You can see that the independent variable labeled within the Experiment.expt_list attribute is temperature, but this can just be set as a single value for stability tests.
reduction = Experiment(eqpt_list)
# Use the sample set size to determine the length of the reduction
# Here, the sample time is 12 minutes, and we run 10 collections
# for a 2 hr reduction (this isn't accounting for
# steady state, buffer, and ramp times
reduction.sample_set_size = 10
reduction.expt_type = 'stability_test'
reduction.temp = [295]
reduction.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
reduction.gas_comp = [[0, 0, 1]]
reduction.tot_flow = [50]
reduction.sample_name = sample_name
postreduction, power and temperature sweeps
expt3 = Experiment(eqpt_list)
expt3.expt_type = 'temp_sweep'
expt3.temp = list(np.arange(300, 401, 10))
expt3.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
expt3.gas_comp = [[0.1, 1-0.6, 0.5]]
expt3.tot_flow = [50]
expt3.sample_name = sample_name
expt3.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'postreduction'))

expt4 = Experiment(eqpt_list)
expt4.expt_type = 'power_sweep'
expt4.temp = [300]
expt4.power = list(np.arange(0, 301, 50))
expt4.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
expt4.gas_comp = [[0.1, 1-0.6, 0.5]]
expt4.tot_flow = [50]
expt4.sample_name = sample_name
expt4.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'postreduction'))
Here are examples of the additional experiment types currently available.
stability_test = Experiment(eqpt_list)
stability_test.sample_set_size = 40
stability_test.expt_type = 'stability_test'
stability_test.temp = [373]
stability_test.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
stability_test.gas_comp = [[0.01, 1-0.06, 0.05]]
stability_test.tot_flow = [50]
stability_test.sample_name = sample_name
stability_test.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'postreduction'))

expt5 = Experiment(eqpt_list)
expt5.expt_type = 'flow_sweep'
expt5.temp = [340]
expt5.gas_type = ['C2H2', 'Ar', 'H2']
expt5.gas_comp = [[0.01, 1-0.03, 0.02]]
expt5.tot_flow = list(np.arange(10, 60, 10))
expt5.sample_name = sample_name
expt5.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'postreduction'))

expt6 = Experiment(eqpt_list)
expt6.expt_type = 'comp_sweep'
expt6.temp = [340]
P_h2 = 0.01*np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40])
P_c2h2 = 0.01*np.ones(len(P_h2))
P_Ar = 1-P_c2h2-P_h2
expt6.gas_comp = np.stack([P_c2h2, P_Ar, P_h2], axis=1).tolist()
expt6.tot_flow = [50]
expt6.sample_name = sample_name
expt6.create_dirs(os.path.join(main_fol, 'postreduction'))

expt_list = [expt1, expt2, reduction,
             expt3, expt4, stability_test,
             expt5, expt6]  # Order is important here!!
run_study(expt_list, eqpt_list)