
catalight.analysis.plotting.multiplot_X_vs_S(results_dict, figsize=(6.5, 4.5))

Produce a combo plot of selectivity as a function of conversion.

This function can compare multiple experiments, and the independent variables do not need to match.

  • results_dict (dict) – Dictionary of results (produced by calculate_X_and_S) in the form {data label: result} where data label is a string with the desired legend label and result is a pandas.DataFrame with column headers [‘Conversion’, ‘Selectivity’, ‘Error’] This function is most easily used in conjunction with DataExtractor such as in the run_plot_comparison script.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Desired size of output figure in inches (x,y), Default is (6.5, 4.5). figsize suggestions: 1/2 slide = (6.5, 4.5); 1/6 slide = (4.35, 3.25); 1/4 slide = (5, 3.65); Full slide = (9, 6.65);


Figure and Axis handle for “X vs S” plot

Return type:

tuple(matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes)